Rules and Regulations
It is the desire of the New Milford Center Cemetery Association to make the Cemetery a quiet, beautiful resting place for the deceased. Anything which would mar the general beauty and harmony of the Cemetery must be avoided. Peace and good order must prevail, and the sacredness of the place be maintained at all times. It is to this end that these Rules and Regulations have been adopted.
Dated April 1st, 2017
For a copy of these rules in PDF format click here.
- The hours of the Cemetery are as follows: April 1st - November 30th:
M - F: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
S & S: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm December 1st - March 31st:
M - F: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
S & S: 9:00 am - 4:30 pmThe Cemetery will also close as needed during inclement weather and when it is necessary for the safety of our visitors.
- Pets are prohibited. No person shall bring any pet or other animal on the Cemetery grounds at any time. This prohibition does not apply to service animals, or to horses participating in Military funerals.
- No person shall drive any vehicle in the Cemetery except on the designated roads or paths made for this purpose. No recreational or off-road vehicles are permitted at any time.
- Upon the total payment for the lot(s), the Cemetery will issue a “Certificate of Burial Rights”.
- All interment spaces within a plot or gravesite are for single depth, each grave to accommodate one (1) casket with vault and a limitation of two (2) cremains on top of the vault. A single gravesite without a casket will have a limitation of four (4) cremains.
- Cremation Urn lots are available. These are 36” square and will accommodate one 24x12 flat marker and two cremains. No plantings or above ground decorations are allowed during mowing season.
- No Burial Rights may be re-sold by an owner, except to the Cemetery at the original price.
- All Grave Rights must be paid in full prior to burial. Also, the cost of the grave opening, burial permit or cremation permit and a temporary marker must be provided at the time of the burial.
- Any requests for the Cemetery to hold grave rights for a future purchase will only be held for a maximum of 30 days. After that time, the Cemetery shall return any deposits and offer the Grave Rights back for sale.
- All winter decorations shall be removed prior to April 1st.
- Wooden or iron fences, copings, posts connected with bars, hedges, hanging baskets, and shepherd hooks are prohibited.
- Artificial flowers are prohibited.
- Glass of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- Decorations for graves must not exceed 10” in front of the monument or be placed off the end or in back of the monument.
- Any bench must first be approved by the Cemetery and then must be made of a quality granite. It is recommended that the bench be used for the family monument and be placed accordingly.
- Free standing statuary is very much discouraged due to the high risk of damage, and must be approved by the Board of Directors.
- Lot owners shall not have the right to plant trees or shrubs.
- If any tree, shrub, or plant standing upon a lot, by means of its roots, branches, or otherwise, is or becomes detrimental to adjacent lots or avenues, or if for any other reason its removal is deemed necessary, the Cemetery shall have the right any it shall be their duty, to correct the existing condition.
- Visitors may not use any power equipment or power tools on Cemetery grounds.
- The use of any chemical pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc.) or any strongly alkaline (i.e. bleach) or acidic chemical (i.e. muriatic acid) on Cemetery grounds is strictly forbidden. A pressure washer connected to plain water only is recommended for the purposes of cleaning stones.
- Although woodchip-mulched beds are encouraged where installed properly, gravel, stone, or any other material that the Cemetery does not approve of for safety reasons are not allowed.
- There will be an additional winter charge for grave openings from December 1st to April 1st.
- An additional charge will apply to any burial that extends past 3:00 p.m.
- All outer burial vaults used for in-ground interments shall be constructed of reinforced concrete, stainless steel, or approved plastic. Sectional style (6 separate pieces) vaults are not permitted.
- All burials must be discussed with and meet the approval of the Superintendent. Cemetery officials must be notified of the time and exact location of any burial at least two business days in advance of service.
- No monument work will be allowed on any Sunday or Holiday.
- No monument work will be allowed in the Jewish Section on any Saturday or Jewish Holiday.
- All monuments or markers are to be made of a quality granite or bronze. No marble is allowed.
- All foundation work will be performed by the Cemetery personnel only.
- A sketch of any proposed monument or marker, along with the total cost of the foundation work, showing the size, material, lettering and desired location on the lot must be submitted for approval before any work is begun.
- The total lot must be paid in full before any memorial work can be done.
- All monument bases must be at least 14” wide and have at least a 5” end wash and be set level in concrete.
- All monument dies must be at least 8” thick.
- Section #1: Estate Lots: Only one central monument will be allowed with all markers set flush with the ground.
- Section #6: All of the above rules except:
- Restricted to the use of slant or hickey style markers with or without a separate base with an overall height not to exceed 26”. A base is strongly recommended in order to keep the marker level, and in harmony with neighboring monuments.
- No tablet style markers are allowed.
- Copies of these Rules and Regulations, and the fee schedules, shall be distributed to owners of lots at the time of purchase, to persons making general inquiries or interment arrangements, and to Funeral Homes and Monument dealers.
These Rules and Regulations will be enforced by the Board of Directors.