To download a PDF of our price list, click here.
Section #1: Large Estate Plots (Restricted to one Memorial & Flush Markers)
Price per Grave: $1,625.00
Urn Section #1
One flush marker per grave, Max 24" x 12" with level bottom
No above grade plantings or decorations; space for two cremains per lot
Price per Lot: $975.00
Urn Section #2
Each grave marked to 4' x 4'; same monument restrictions as Section 6 plus
headstones may not overlap lots, and only one marker/monument per lot
Accommodates two cremations per lot
Price per Lot: $1,200.00
Other Sections
With Upright Memorial Privileges, Price per Grave: $1,725.00
With Flush Marker Privileges Only, Price per Grave: 975.00
BURIAL COSTS (Includes Greens & Lowering Device)
April 1st through November 30th
Grave Openings: $1,300 weekdays • $1,725.00 Sat./Sun./Holidays
Cremation Openings: $815 weekdays • $975 Sat./Sun./Holidays
December 1st through March 31st
Grave Openings: $1,840 weekdays • $2,160.00 Sat./Sun./Holidays
Cremation Openings: $1,200 weekdays • $1,400.00 Sat./Sun./Holidays
Burial of cremains in an already occupied grave will be subject to an additional $325 fee for the second—or additional—use of a grave.
Any burial service that extends past 3:00 PM Monday - Friday or past 1:00 PM on weekends and holidays will be subject to an overtime fee of $165.00 per hour or fraction thereof.
All burial arrangements must be discussed with and meet the approval of the Superintendent. Cemetery officials must be notified of the time and exact location of any burial at least two business days in advance of service. All unmarked graves must have a temporary marker accompany the burial.
All burial rights and other fees MUST BE PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO BURIAL.

FOUNDATION CHARGES (Effective July 1st, 2022)
All foundation applications to show all dimensions, style, granite, lettering and a sketch of any carvings. Does not have to be to scale.
All applications are subject to Cemetery approval and must include a check in full made payable to “ New Milford Center Cemetery Association”. See Rules & Regulations for other information.
Current charges are based on $ 150.00 per square foot, with a 2 Sq. Ft. Minimum.
Cemetery personnel do not install monuments. Families wishing to purchase monuments from sources other than local monument dealers will need to make certain that the quality of the stone matches cemetery standards, and must make arrangements for installation by a local contractor.